Chris Jericho is Suspended

Chris Jericho is undeniably one of the greatest professional wrestlers of all time. The consummate king of reinvention, Jericho has been able to have one of the longest-lasting careers, both inside of and outside of WWE. Knowing this, it should go as no surprise that he was willing to do some crazy things in order to stay a relevant heel. From making fun of someone's dead father, to calling fans idiots, Chris has done some wild stuff. Perhaps the most notably "heelish" thing he ever did happened while on tour in Brazil in 2012. During a house show, Jericho desecrated a Brazilian flag in the middle of the ring. Brazil is a country noted for its national pride, so, understandably, the crowd and law enforcement were enraged with the performer. The police told Chris that he either had to apologize to the crowd, or he would be going to jail. Jericho apologized, and despite getting off scot-free, he was still suspended by the WWE for his actions. The company's official statement of the suspension, and video of the incident can be seen below.

"Chris Jericho has been suspended indefinitely  due to an irresponsible act of denigrating the Brazilian flag at a WWE event in Sao Paulo on May 24. The WWE has apologized to the citizens and the government of Brazil for this incident."

Credit for photo to World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc.

Credit for video to JerichoBrazil and World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc.


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